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Treatment of osteoarthritis without operation

Treatment of osteoarthritis without operation
Treatment of osteoarthritis without operation

Osteoarthritis: By improving on-time treatment, proper treatment can prevent it from growing. This can, therefore, preventing by turning the legs upside down, getting distorted or stiffness.

Conservative Treatment For Osteoarthritis of knee

The following treatments are useful for initial deprivation (initial stage arthritis).

  • Adjusting weight control through dietary exercise and exercise. (dieting & exercises)
  • Leaving sports or exercises that seem shaky on joints. (Avoid jumba, jumping etc)
  • Sit down at the chair rather than sitting around after eating or serving or other necessary tasks.
  • Sitting for a toilet or toilet (indigenous) instead of the backpack (English) use a vertical toilet.
  • Physical exercises like exercises like yoga-pranayama and shake also help to ease the sorrow. (seek the advice of orthopedic doctor/physiotherapist)
  • Medicines: (without taking the doctor’s advice)
    1. Palliative drugs: NSAIDs reduce the inflammation of these drugs.
    2. Incentive medicines: Condroitin sulfate, glucosamine, oxsprol, Virginia
    3. Bone-strengthening drugs: Calcium, vitamin-D
    4. Balm – analgesic gel (for local application)
    5. Special medicines for gout, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, psoriasis, etc., when there is a disease. (Rheumatoid arthritis / circulatory drugs)
  • Elastic strip – Braces & support: Feeling hurt because of soreness in the legs. This flexibility and imbalance can get relief from a strong band or kneecap.
  • Tactic stick: Walking with a stick or walk while walking, weighs less on joints. So that wear and tear might get less and pain relief.
  • Footwear: Walking through soft mattress-laden footwear gives relief in the shock coming on the joints.
Treatment with insufficient injections:
  • Lubrication – Injection for Lubrication (Four stages I / Ii)*
  • Platelet – Rich Plasma – Injection (Four stages I / II / Iii)*
  • Depomedrol – Steroid injection (rarely used – according to the doctor’s advice)

* By taking this injection in the beginning stage, you can avoid or extended osteoarthritis without operation.

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