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Hip Replacement

hip blog
In today’s case, the process of hip replacement or changing the knee joint has become normal the operation of the thigh joints, is Hip Joint, becomes normal day by day. Compared to the knee, it finds a replacement in a young condition. hip-replacement

Structure of anthology:

The joints of the thumb are the “ball and socket” type. Which makes movement easy because of its shape. In it, the thigh bone (female bone) is as a socket and (bulb – thigh bone) is the ball. It covers by the level of complexity. It seals the seals with a joint capsule, inside the joint capsule, the “cyanovill” fluid provides a friction-free movement. It attaches a ligament to the bones. Those who provide compulsive stability to the joints. The muscles do the movement of the joints.

Causes of Depression Junk Depletion
  • Balls caused by low blood pressure / Avascular Necrosis (excessive alcohol consumption – trouble taking from steroids)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis / circulatory system
  • Congenital malady
  • Accidents – which result in injury to bones or joints.
When is the operation done?
  • Pain while walking.
  • A continuous decrease in the distance between which you can walk without suffering.
  • Do not feel relieved from a resting or taking pain medication.
  • A decrease in foot length in the general movement of thoracic joints.
  • It uses sitting down the feet on the ground, using Indian classical wreaths and changing daily activities such as worn boots or difficulty stalking stairs etc. to change the joints of the thumb.

Orthopedic surgeons now use one of three methods to apply synthetic joints in hip replacement. The formation of artificial deposits makes by copying the natural composition. Includes Thapa Socket (Hip Socket) and Thapaana Stem. It arranges the front part of the sphere (ball-head) that is artificially embedded in the socket on the stem for hip replacement. It makes the ball of metal or ceramic and socket polyethylene or ceramic. synthetic-joint

  • Transplantation of synthetic joints with cement – it stamps which with special cement for a hep socket and stem bones. Usually, this operation is done for patients aged 65-70.
  • artificial joints Implantation without cement – in which it fit the heap socket and stem like a screw in the bone. Because of the development of new bones on the artificial joint, it gets long-term strength. It does this operation for young people.
  • Implantation fake watches of hybrid synthetic joints – in which cement do not keep in the socket, but it stores artificial shafts in the bone with cement.
What’s new in THL (Total Hip Replacement)?
  1.  Minimal intensive operation. In which there is a minimal injury to the anesthesia.
  2.  New joints. – Joints made of a special material – Oxonium / Tantalum / Gripsion, etc.
  3.  Computer-assisted surgery.
  4.  Dual mobility joints
  5.  Use a ceramic socket on the ceramic ball.
  6.  New durable plastic (Polly and vitamin E poly with high-quality cross-link).
  7.  A special implantation in difficult situations Revision Replacement and Complex Primary Replacement.
Dual Mobility Joints

mobility-joint Note: The information given here is for general awareness. The result of the operation of the patient according to the persistence/nature/disease/band can be different. Before deciding about any operation, consult your Orthopedic Doctor. And it is necessary to know about operational related benefits and disadvantages.

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