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Trauma Surgery in Ahmedabab

What is Trauma Surgery?

Trauma surgery is the specialization in surgery that focuses on the treatment and care of injuries, often life-threatening, that caused by impact forces.

The causes of impact forces are many, but more common ones include traffic accidents, falls, sports and crush injuries, and gunshot or stab wounds.

In catastrophic incidents, trauma surgeons often form part of a larger team of specialized surgeons.

The Team of Specialized Surgeons is:

  • orthopedic (i.e. specialist for musculoskeletal injuries)
  • vascular (i.e. specialist for the arteries, veins and other vessels)
  • maxillofacial (i.e. specialist for facial injuries)
  • cardiothoracic (i.e. specialist for the heart and thoracic organs)
  • plastic (i.e. special for the reconstruction of body areas following)
  • neurosurgeons (i.e. specialists for injuries to the brain and nervous system).

Trauma surgery is a fast-paced and demanding practice. It has very little time for the lengthy discussions that may otherwise it see in some medical consultations. The trauma surgeon undergoes training after completion of a basic medical degree.

Trauma surgeon Dr. Saurin Shah and a team of Orthopedic surgeons are always on their toes to manage emergency Orthopedic trauma.

At all, if the three hospitals where he is doing his joint work, there is trauma surgeon, Neurosurgeons, and plastic surgeons and critical care unit for comprehensive management of an emergency patient.

It equips operation theatres with Modern instrumentation, power tools, and high definition image intensifier. these all work synergistically to give an optimum result to trauma patients.

Trauma is the injuries suffered when a person experiences a blunt force. You may also hear trauma referred to as “major trauma”. Many trauma patients are the victims of car crashes, stabbings, and gunshot wounds. Trauma can also cause by falls, crush type injuries, and pedestrians being struck by a car.