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Cycling..Points for optimum benefits.

Is cycling good or bad for the knees?
Using proper gear and reducing the amount of time spent, as well as the level of pressure you put on the knees, can help reduce the risk of knee pain and other injuries while cycling.

What can you do about it?
To get rid of knee pain and other injuries while cycling, you need to keep a few things in mind and implement them in your activity.

A proper fit: Having a bike/bicycle that fits your proportions is one of the most important things to avoid knee pain. For instance, a seat that is too high or too low can affect how much your knee has to bend and extend while pedalling. A proper fit will leave your knee at a 45-degree angle, topping your stroke and leaving a slight bend in your knee at the bottom of the stroke. Also, adjust your pedals, ensuring that they are neither too close nor too far from the bike frame.

Leg strength: Without sufficient leg strength, the repetitive act of cycle pedalling can potentially cause knee pain and other injuries. Therefore, strength training is crucial for preventing or reducing knee pain with cycling. While it’s good to work on all body muscles, including a range of leg exercises in your fitness regime can help strengthen the leg muscles that support and stabilise your knees.

Warm-ups: It’s always recommended to do a proper warm-up before any exercise. Cycling is an exercise, which means your knees and the rest of your body need to warm up before you start riding. Perhaps, you can do this by starting your ride at a slower pace and then gradually easing it into a higher/your normal pace.